Tracked flips of:Bullchamp

Total Profit:-9,294,854 Coins

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Only auctions sold in the last 7 days are displayed here.
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Fierce Young Dragon Chestplate
-553,488 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 4 hours ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-24,600

+57,200 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold 21 hours ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-22,800

Waxed Implosion Belt
-952,721 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-8,180
Reforge waxed added-976,541
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Waxed Gauntlet of Contagion
-1,271,742 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-95,199
Reforge waxed added-976,541
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Boots ✪✪✪✪✪
-645,091 Coins

Finder: MSNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-81,199
crafting material LIVID_FRAGMENT x8-1,062,312
Enchant rejuvenate 3-135,975
Enchant feather_falling 10-45,003
Reforge ancient added-636,463
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-889,935
WITHER essence x670 to add 5 stars-1,595,203
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Waxed Soulweaver Gloves ✪✪
-1,130,846 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-97,199
Reforge waxed added-976,541
WITHER essence x150 to add 2 stars-357,105
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⚚ Waxed Adaptive Belt ✪✪✪✪✪
-965,326 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-29,200
crafting material SCARF_FRAGMENT x8-7,253
Reforge waxed added-976,541
WITHER essence x190 to add 5 stars-452,332
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Chestplate ✪✪✪✪
+3,464,911 Coins

Finder: ExternalSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-466,200
crafting material LIVID_FRAGMENT x8-1,062,312
Enchant rejuvenate 3-132,973
Reforge ancient added-636,462
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-899,990
WITHER essence x1060 to add 5 stars-2,437,152
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Leggings ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,812,788 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-115,199
crafting material LIVID_FRAGMENT x8-1,062,311
Enchant rejuvenate 3-121,208
Reforge ancient added-636,463
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-900,122
WITHER essence x860 to add 5 stars-1,977,484
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⚚ Ancient Shadow Assassin Helmet ✪✪✪✪✪
-2,519,329 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-57,200
crafting material LIVID_FRAGMENT x8-1,062,308
Enchant rejuvenate 3-121,208
Reforge ancient added-636,463
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-900,123
WITHER essence x675 to add 5 stars-1,552,027
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⚚ Spiritual Spirit Shortbow ✪✪✪✪✪
-1,893,790 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold a day ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-149,200
crafting material THORN_FRAGMENT x8-5,595
Reforge Spiritual added-2,499,995
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Candy Talisman
-7,680 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 2 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-3,680

[Lvl 1->65] Baby Yeti
-1,827,317 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 2 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-33,199
Exp cost for 1501582.7671570512 exp-1,824,116
Used DWARF_TURTLE_SHELMET to upgraded heldItem to DWARF_TURTLE_SHELMET-470,000
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Fabled Livid Dagger ✪✪✪✪✪
+1,671,353 Coins

Finder: ExternalSold 2 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-322,200
Enchant life_steal 4-6,447
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Implosion Belt
+91,800 Coins

Finder: SNIPESold 5 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-8,199

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