Tracked flips of:h9wk

Total Profit:-9,506,477 Coins

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Withered Axe of the Shredded ✪✪✪✪✪
-9,506,477 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 6 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-3,001,199
crafting material REVENANT_VISCERA x256-20,215,142
crafting material SHARD_OF_THE_SHREDDED x4-47,600,000
Enchant luck 6-1
Enchant smite 7-3,393,568
Enchant looting 40
Enchant syphon 4-20,057
Enchant fire_aspect 3-502
Enchant giant_killer 6-529,309
Enchant ultimate_wise 5-2,714,340
Enchant champion 10-7,100,009
Reforge withered added-2,576,748
Used 10x HOT_POTATO_BOOK to upgraded hpc to 10-835,794
Slot unlock cost-50,000
Slot unlock item FINE_JASPER_GEMx20-1,845,614
UNDEAD essence x3000 to add 5 stars-2,398,800
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