Tracked flips of:danyaq1

Total Profit:-21,695,597 Coins

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Fleet Titanium Drill Dr-x555
-21,695,597 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 2 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-19,251,201
crafting material REFINED_DIAMOND x20-13,810,708
crafting material ENCHANTED_IRON_BLOCK x2-232,999
crafting material PLASMA x20-448,764
crafting material REFINED_TITANIUM x16-9,481,036
crafting material MITHRIL_PLATE x10-64,843,575
crafting material MITHRIL_PLATE x5-32,421,787
crafting material REFINED_TITANIUM x12-7,110,777
crafting material REFINED_DIAMOND x10-6,905,354
PERFECT JADE gem added-16,108,236
PERFECT AMBER gem added-15,263,241
goblin_omelette_spicy drill_part_upgrade_module added-15,900,000
titanium_drill_engine drill_part_engine added-33,485,000
titanium_fuel_tank drill_part_fuel_tank added-30,500,000
Enchant efficiency 10-20,450,004
Enchant lapidary 5-15,000,000
Enchant fortune 4-95,064
Enchant compact 3-5,444,715
Enchant ultimate_flowstate 3-42,824
Reforge fleet added-3,136,138
Used DIVAN_POWDER_COATING to upgraded divan_powder_coating to 1-222,222,222
Slot unlock cost-50,000
Slot unlock item FINE_JADE_GEMx20-594,220
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