Tracked flips of:OlIvIeR2CaRgLaS

Total Profit:71,649,959 Coins

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Scraped Gemstone Gauntlet
+71,649,959 Coins

Finder: CraftCostSold 4 hours ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-7,176,200
PERFECT JADE gem added-15,379,516
PERFECT AMBER gem added-15,467,134
PERFECT SAPPHIRE gem added-17,348,020
PERFECT AMETHYST gem added-17,889,999
PERFECT TOPAZ gem added-15,427,365
FINE SAPPHIRE gem removed+19,099 Coins
FINE AMETHYST gem removed+19,113 Coins
Enchant efficiency from 5 to 10-19,500,019
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