Total Profit:-16,750,490 Coins
Finder: UnknownSold a day ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,651,200 |
Enchant delicate 5 | -774,210 |
Enchant cultivating from 7 to 9 | -4,058,260 |
Enchant dedication 3 | -3,135,345 |
Slot unlock item FINE_PERIDOT_GEMx20 | -642,570 |
Slot unlock cost (x3) | -400,000 |
Slot unlock item FINE_PERIDOT_GEMx40 | -1,285,140 |
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_PERIDOT_GEMx1 | -2,712,565 |
Listing attempt 55000000 | -1,101,200 |
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