Tracked flips of:Kilimandscharo05

Total Profit:196,378,950 Coins

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Pitchin' Hellfire Rod ✪✪✪✪✪
+158,051,382 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 3 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-30,923,700
crafting material MAGMA_FISH_DIAMOND x4-110,799,997
crafting material MAGMA_FISH_GOLD x16-27,199,926
FLAWLESS AQUAMARINE gem added (x2)-8,802,240
Enchant looting 4-5,001
Enchant expertise 2-5,496,692
Enchant luck_of_the_sea 6-100,006
Enchant lure 6-100
Enchant ultimate_flash 5-86,756,705
Enchant caster 6-100,003
Enchant charm 5-289,066
Enchant piscary 6-3,100,003
Enchant angler 60
Enchant blessing 6-1,362,293
Reforge pitchin added-262,011
Slot unlock item FINE_AQUAMARINE_GEMx40-2,107,424
Slot unlock cost (x2)-350,000
Slot unlock item FLAWLESS_AQUAMARINE_GEMx1-4,401,120
CRIMSON essence x590 to add 5 stars-868,716
LUMP_OF_MAGMAx20 for star-1,118
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx1 for star-20,757
MOOGMA_PELTx20 for star-1,312
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx2 for star-41,514
PYROCLASTIC_SCALEx20 for star-1,360
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx3 for star-62,272
CUP_OF_BLOODx50 for star-31,964
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx40 for star-830,296
FLAMING_HEARTx70 for star-45,115
MAGMA_FISH_SILVERx50 for star-1,037,870
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[Lvl 100] Flying Fish
+19,180,018 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 4 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-7,345,425
Kat materials for MYTHIC-140,609,557
Kat cost for MYTHIC-700,000
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[Lvl 60] Griffin
+9,428,750 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,406,250

[Lvl 68] Griffin
+9,718,800 Coins

Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago

Profit changes:

ah tax-1,381,200

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