Total Profit:296,075 Coins
Finder: FLIPSold a day ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -111,180 |
Exp cost for 4078616.225642838 exp | -33,853 |
Used CROCHET_TIGER_PLUSHIE to upgraded heldItem to CROCHET_TIGER_PLUSHIE | -99,000 |
Listing attempt 6299000 | -64,190 |
Finder: StonksSold a day ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -121,180 |
Enchant ultimate_wise 5 | -1,935,743 |
Finder: UnknownSold 2 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -2,190 |
UNDEAD essence x620 to add 5 stars | -447,392 |
Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,249 |
Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,249 |
Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,249 |
Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,590 |
Finder: UnknownSold 5 days ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -1,490 |
You can get flips further in the past with Premium.