Total Profit:-28,459,661 Coins
Finder: UnknownSold 13 hours ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -4,901,200 |
FINE JASPER gem added (x2) | -148,854 |
Enchant ender_slayer 6 | -112,002 |
Enchant giant_killer 6 | -41,141 |
Enchant thunderlord 6 | 0 |
Enchant sharpness 6 | -55,002 |
Reforge Fabled added | -2,054,998 |
Slot unlock cost (x2) | -150,000 |
Slot unlock item FINE_JASPER_GEMx20 | -1,488,540 |
Slot unlock item FINE_SAPPHIRE_GEMx20 | -605,658 |
Slot unlock item FINE_RUBY_GEMx20 | -512,386 |
Slot unlock item FINE_AMETHYST_GEMx20 | -618,504 |
Slot unlock item FINE_JASPER_GEMx40 | -2,977,080 |
Slot unlock item FINE_SAPPHIRE_GEMx40 | -1,211,316 |
Slot unlock item FINE_RUBY_GEMx40 | -1,024,772 |
Slot unlock item FINE_AMETHYST_GEMx40 | -1,237,008 |
Finder: UnknownSold a day ago
Profit changes:
ah tax | -71,200 |
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